See this locally drafted resolution that aims at bringing Justice40 funding to address the historical injustices, impacts from cliamte change and disinvestment in this area of NM.
First in the Nation! The only way Justice40 works is with community and government collaboration. This Municipal Executive Order is one policy strategy to consider for local governments wanting to do Justice40 right. It includes an Oversight Committee of department heads and grassroots leadership and asks for a local Justice40 Equitable and Just Administration Plan, to prove investment and commitment from government to work on community-based solutions.
The only way Justice40 works is with community and government collaboration. This Municipal Executive Order is one policy strategy to consider for local governments wanting to do Justice40 right. It includes an Oversight Committee of department heads and grassroots leadership and asks for a local Justice40 Equitable and Just Administration Plan, to prove investment and commitment from government to work with grassroots leadership on community-based solutions.
This is a grassroots draft to a model Executive Order on Justice40 for NM. This State Executive Order is one policy strategy to consider for statewide organizing with state government to do Justice40 right. It includes an Oversight Committee of department heads and agency leads to ensure the equitable implementation of Justice40 at a state-level.
803 La Vega Dr SW Albuquerque, NM 87105 US (Southern Tiwa Territory)
Los Jardines Institute is about building the social, political, economic, cultural and spiritual power as a community. Our space is known for multigenerational and multicultural gatherings and movement making. We are happy to announce that we are open to host your event or activity! Drop by and see if Los Jardines' indoor and outdoor spaces are a good fit.